Tripping on X's

Thumbnail of the map 'Tripping on X's'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author happygonuts
Tags action author:happygonuts playable rated
Created 2007-01-19
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description cOMMENT.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gigabyte malfunction' Thumbnail of the map 'Things Like Chemistry' Thumbnail of the map '!st DDA ' Thumbnail of the map 'WTF!!!!!??!!??!!?!?!?!?' Thumbnail of the map 'kHAOS (The UFOs are attacking!)' Thumbnail of the map 'Circular cyndr0me'
Gigabyte malfunction Things Like Chemistry !st DDA WTF!!!!!??!!??!!?!?!?!? kHAOS (The UFOs are attacking!) Circular cyndr0me


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Hey man, I know this is strange but I've been building levels for a month or so and I decided to put them on just recently and I feel so discouraged because not even one guy has voted for one of my maps! I don't really know how to make them more public, at least give me one vote! Im odi99...And of course, I wouldn t have chosed you if I didn't like your level!

Terribly easy
