
Thumbnail of the map 'Dank.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Jakel
Tags author:jakel rated tileset
Created 2007-01-05
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description TMC2: Second submittion. I might edit the smaller meteor out.

Other maps by this author

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Clutch !:.Pinpoint.:! Heel-Strike On The Paz


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hope its ok :P btw 5/5 for the tileset.

i know

it just sorta looks like it was. i know its not


looks sorta like it was made with tile art maker. Meh 5/5 anyway cuz it looks cool
"Armageddon," I think, by Rocket_Thumped.

nice map! *applaudes*
I don't know how that comet fits in though.

Really nice

I like the comet in the top left hand corner, you should make a level with just those would be good!

I think that you should have made a way out of the maze on the right so if anyone wanted to use the map it would be longer.