Auto Evade

Thumbnail of the map 'Auto Evade'

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Author cybercrash
Tags author:cybercrash dda unrated
Created 2006-12-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first dda, please comment and rate.

Other maps by this author

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Ultimate Robbery


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not everybody like those kind of map flooded with full of attacks and evade or watever. if u dun like plain map, click the X button on the top right.
1. lagging= big no-no
2. less is usually more (except in n-art)
3. dont submit a DDA until you have looked at alot of forms of propulsions on other DDA's that have been submitted and practiced many times
4. Action is the easiest form to start with, they can be quite simple to make but can still be challenging

i won't rate this because i know your just beginning and i don't want to give you a bad rating.


lags like a btch