Prison Escape

Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Escape'

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Author qszwax57
Tags author:qszwax57 dda rated
Created 2006-12-28
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description you are to get out of a place called Ninja Prison. Security is pretty tight, and you also have 2 minutes to get out before they get even more enemies on you.

Other maps by this author

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The simple Challenge 5 9 - SQUARE KTRADDA mine feild DDA gold coin collecting New York Madness


Pages: (0)

I forgot...

...I rate this 4/5.
and, strange enough, that was before this map was submitted.
Its quite... Ok.

but i can't so have a 4.5
I'll give it 4.5/5,.


Good DDA, it's very nice to watch,