Tribute to Her

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Author elitheeli
Tags author:elitheeli dda rated v1.3c
Created 2005-04-17
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description This is a long DDA. I spent a lot of time on it. Please rate, comment, as it is only my second DDA ever. Now I am off to eat lunch.

Also, the reason I use so many launch pads is i cannot figure out how to propel the ninja using trap doors.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Flying Zen Garden' Thumbnail of the map 'Dance of the Dead' Thumbnail of the map 'Hotelizer' Thumbnail of the map 'Literally Random' Thumbnail of the map 'Release the hoard...' Thumbnail of the map 'Scaling Time Trials'
Flying Zen Garden Dance of the Dead Hotelizer Literally Random Release the hoard... Scaling Time Trials


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formica, lemme see what I can do with it...

Trap doors...

take a bit of time with the placement, but here's how it's generally done...

you need to press 'c' in NED, and then use the advanced tile grid to the switch it 3/4 of a tile forwards of the actual door. This sends him flying.

It's harder to do on sloped tiles, but the above works for left, right, up and down.


Im a little curious as to why all the gold wasnt used. At the end i sat around for 30 seconds or so waiting for something else to happen because I saw there was some gold left, which usually means it isnt done yet. Other than that, it was pretty good. 4/5

pretty damn good

in my mind this deserves a four, so i give it one.


trap door launching is tough but it is very helpful in making dda's. its a bitch to do. also, when you have many launch pads in a row, take all but one out and just modify the one to make it stronger, it looks better and saves space. other than than, awesome.