
Thumbnail of the map 'NarrowshowdowN'

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Author maestro
Tags action author:maestro fairlygood playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-04-17
Last Modified 2007-07-14
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Our ninja has just completed every level, every episode, and feels on top of the world. Then, everything becomes misty, and a loud voice says to him "you have one challenge left, ninja." The mist clears, and he realises he is in a narrow corridor. "Make it to the top and I will give you your freedom."

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that was

kind of tough... i didn't really have the patience to keep trying. not bad, though.


That was very fun. A hard map, but very fun.

Alright, my ninja's done, he can escape, get bored, die, etc...
Demo Data