The Batman

Thumbnail of the map 'The Batman'

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Author FYBO407
Tags author:fybo407 dda rated v1.3c
Created 2005-04-16
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description hey DriveBacktheDead here is my dda of your tile set. It is my second dda and i worked really hard and long on it. Thanks for supplying me with this sweet tile set.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Just fun' Thumbnail of the map 'Obvious human' Thumbnail of the map 'the innards of a cloud' Thumbnail of the map 'The journey' Thumbnail of the map 'rocket fun' Thumbnail of the map 'The long Drink'
Just fun Obvious human the innards of a cloud The journey rocket fun The long Drink


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that's cool

that was really tight. a double thwup jump. it is crazy to even say. and the cheating death, that was also most enjoyable. i wish some other people would make some dda's off of my map, but this one will be one of the best.



I really like the beginning with the excellent timing
plus I liked the tileset even more to give it that sweet batman feel
well done and keep going fybo!!


hey thanks everyone for the feedback i really love making dda's

love it

i love this map. I prefer the slow stuff, i made my own dda that was a slower DDA but all you other people prefer the fast paced stuff. Yes that is cool but you have to admire the slow stuff as well. anyway, sweet. 4/5

forgot to say...

that would i be happy to see some more DDAs by you :-P

not bad.

also not too exciting. definately gotta love the N cheatin' da Death, though. i kind of like the slow, rythmic style that this has, but it just needs to be turned up a notch, so to speak.