Acts Of WTF Insurance

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Author moshpit2010
Tags action author:moshpit2010 playable rated
Created 2006-12-20
Last Modified 2006-12-20
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description When someone gets into a car accident, they'll always look at the damage. Your car, a multi-ton chunk of accelerated steel, just hit something big enough for you to need to step outside to make sure no one died.
You hit a biker going 87 MPH, and punted him, with your front bumper, down the side of a 467 ft. cliff. Nothing remains of the biker at the place of impact but his shadow, who is still sticking around, going all "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!", while trying to see whether or not he's needed to follow the biker any more. Meanwhile, the shadow of the bike is sitting on the side of the cliff, saying "Dammit, man. He just bought my master, too. And ya dun hit him with a Volvo."
I don't think any Homeowners Insurance covers the off-chance of a biker, traveling at the speed of the sound of "WTF!", to crash through your roof and land on your plasma screen T.V.


Comments and Critique appreciated!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dreams' Thumbnail of the map 'Lost Within Our Hearts' Thumbnail of the map 'Bowtie' Thumbnail of the map 'Risk' Thumbnail of the map '<Witty Title>' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Pride'
Dreams Lost Within Our Hearts Bowtie Risk <Witty Title> Electric Pride


Pages: (0)

Much appreciated. ^_^


Too beautiful for words. Deserves a 5 alone for the story! Great tileset, great gameplay, you never cease to amaze me mosh.


one framity goodness
Demo Data

This is very good

+0.5 for the story too. 4.5/5
Demo Data


you go. I didn't set the bar very High.
Demo Data
Thanks for that, epigone!


woot speed.

faster is possible.
Demo Data


funnish. 3.5/5
Demo Data


lovin' the story - good map too.


All gold demo
sorry for a newb question but what does AGD stand for?..

very different

AGD wtf
Demo Data
the depths of my mind. I'm just a crazy like that.

Thanks for the rating and comment, mate!


mosh where do you get your wacky wacky stories? :D
nice map