
Thumbnail of the map 'Andromeda'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Muffinthief
Tags author:muffinthief playable race rated
Created 2006-12-20
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description A pretty straight forward race, flowey, not to hard. Rate, post demos, comment, all that stuff. (Demo included)

Other maps by this author

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Hacked: Reboot Hacked: Searching Fractals Impossible Figures #1 Impossible Figures #2 Tangled


Pages: (0)

Sort Of Fun Map

But the object placement sucks a bit though. 3.5/5
I got same frame count as epigone
Demo Data

Pretty fun...

You guys kicked my ass though, I'm slow :(
Demo Data
Didn't like the mines/gold though.
Demo Data

Demo Data


Demo Data