Jumping is for Women... (Revisited)

Thumbnail of the map 'Jumping is for Women... (Revisited)'

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Author Mini_Mumodo
Tags author:mini_mumodo playable rated survival
Created 2006-12-19
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I redid the level so you can jump...sorta, there are three specific areas that you can jump kinda freely.

Other maps by this author

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Ding-Dong Ditch Ding-Dong Ditch2! Jumping is for women....


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this is hard

Your first one was pretty hard, this one like remote said you can go on forever if you know where the mines end


lol i got snipped, if you don't like me say so dammit. Or atleast post when you do it.


i kinda figured that someone would eventuall figure out the pattern but look at the original and compare it

woopsee. (lol)

interesting map (this is a good thing). very original, but if you do what i was doing in my demo (without screwing up) you could go forever. 3.5/5 for originality :)
Demo Data


stands for all gold demo