
Thumbnail of the map 'Fun'

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Author 15432
Tags action author:15432 playable unrated
Created 2006-12-15
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This was the first map i ever made, tell me what you think


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Finally managed an all possible gold. Here it is.
Demo Data

Not half bad.

It was pretty easy, but not that bad. As mc_george said, hidden enemies behnd tiles are baad. I don't mind some zap drones behind bounceblocks, but thwumps stuck in the roof aren't cool, except in very specific situations. There wasn't much need for that many doors - the keys behind the oneways could've been just a single key - but it didn't detract. The zap drone also seemed a little... random. That's not bad, but it didn't add anything for sure.

Overall, I'll say 3/5.


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I like the idea of the hidden switches, but generally speaking, hidden enemies (especially behind tiles) are a no-no. I like the fact that you had quite an open map, but where the one-ways were, you might consider adding a gauss to make it a little harder. Overall, it's a good start. 3/5

Attached is an all possible gold demo.
Demo Data