Enter, Stage Left

Thumbnail of the map 'Enter, Stage Left'

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Author Solis_Team
Tags action author:solis_team collab gauss playable rated rockets zap-drones
Created 2006-12-14
Last Modified 2007-07-18
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Enter, the Solis Team! It's a collab account between Pheidippides, epigone, and Zres. Here's our first map: Tileset by Pheidippides, Objects by Zres, and Changes by epigone and Pheidippides. Enjoy!


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figured it out. no need to say anything.
good map.
Then why don't you get it?

We PM'd and e-mail

I don't have an IRC client or whatever its called.
did you PM each other or use IRC?
Expect some cool and possibly great things from Solis. This was just the first, and dare I say, rather rough attempt at a collab map. Anyway, it turned out allright, I supose. Better things are sure to come.


Didn't I just say that decestation should be ignored? As for the inspiration, it was Waterworx by Sendy. I guess it was pretty loosely inspired judging on how different these maps seem, but it turned out well in my opinion. Glad you like it too.

based off
Yes? A little?
Anyway, good map. Needs a bit more variety though. 4/5


I was trying to flip you off.


and the rest of you for that matter, please don't stoop to decestation's level. If you ignore him, what's the point in him flaming you? Right?

Anyway, point taken McP. It's always good to see some constructive criticism.
were very limiting. I dont recommend them oftenly

*ignores below*