Almost complete [Criticism needed]

Thumbnail of the map 'Almost complete [Criticism needed]'

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Author clay_ponder
Tags author:clay_ponder incomplete unrated
Created 2006-12-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Almost done - if yall could gimmie some criticism, that woould be really helpful! bout 5 minutes to load - but my computer is kinda slow so it may load faster for yall...


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Attemp at a graffiti' Thumbnail of the map '...As they float away' Thumbnail of the map 'New Graffiti [this one doesnt suck as bad]' Thumbnail of the map 'Run! Jump! Run Some More!' Thumbnail of the map 'I forgot to put the title' Thumbnail of the map 'The Ascension'
Attemp at a graffiti ...As they float away New Graffiti [this one doesnt suck as bad] Run! Jump! Run Some More! I forgot to put the title The Ascension


Pages: (0)

It's graffiti - it says "SoME"

look ok



I honestly can't read it. Looks a bit like SOOE.

Apart from that it's good, which is a shame.

or bad


does that

mean it's good?


... um... Eh, I've got nothin'