Chelsea Dagger

Thumbnail of the map 'Chelsea Dagger'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author uNcoNditioNal
Tags action author:unconditional playable rated
Created 2006-12-07
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Rampantly simple, and the fastest AGD within 2 hours gets a dedication...

Well you must be a girl with shoes like that,
She said "You know me well"
I've seen you and little Steven and Joanna
Round the back of my hotel...

Someone said you was asking after me
But I know you best as a blagger
I said "Tell me your name. Is it sweet?"
She said "My boy, it's dagger"

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Smiley Faces' Thumbnail of the map 'Cutt Off' Thumbnail of the map 'What If?' Thumbnail of the map 'Listen To The Hiss' Thumbnail of the map 'Black And White Town' Thumbnail of the map 'Quality Control'
Smiley Faces Cutt Off What If? Listen To The Hiss Black And White Town Quality Control


Pages: (0)

Well done

dedication on my next map, keep a look out.



Demo Data

So close!

Keep trying though, it doesnt look like you're going to have much competion for the ded :(


Why... did the bounceblock... have to go down so far?! Gah... Oh well... I'll get an AGD eventually... 4.5aved
Demo Data