
Thumbnail of the map 'Glops'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author amconline
Tags author:amconline playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-12-07
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Little mine jumper.
Medium difficulty.
Njoy !

comments appreciated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thin Passage' Thumbnail of the map 'Silly Cellar' Thumbnail of the map 'The impossible timing' Thumbnail of the map 'H-spiration' Thumbnail of the map 'Jet-Lag Romaniac' Thumbnail of the map 'Gaps of Life'
Thin Passage Silly Cellar The impossible timing H-spiration Jet-Lag Romaniac Gaps of Life


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...farken genius tileset/gold/mine placement haha...easily 5/5... is the AGD that at first was going to be a speed run...but then it was slow, so i went all gold...
Demo Data


this is one of my favorites
i did an AGD but i wasnt in editor mode

see ska's demo...

It shows completion.
Btw, you forgot the gold close to the exit door.
Once it's open, it's harder to get the gold before ending...


do you get back from this part?
agd up to that point
Demo Data


for those who like mine jumper, here is one I'm proud of...

Very Much!





I like your style.
Did you enjoy it ?

Completion Demo

missed 7 gold.

I thought I'd play this because you have played and commented on a lot of my maps.
Demo Data