Variations on a Theme Reborn v1.0

Thumbnail of the map 'Variations on a Theme Reborn v1.0'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author RokusaburoMichiba
Tags action author:rokusaburomichiba playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-04-07
Last Modified 2005-04-10
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description v1.0
Variations on a Theme was a failure. I took it off this site and decided to remake this to replace it. I present to you Variations on a Theme 2. There are four levels of difficulty with three rooms each. Enjoy the map.

Comments and demos are always welcome.
~Rokusaburo Michiba

Other maps by this author

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Insane in the Mainframe v1.0 Subterranean Complex v1.1 Simple Circles v1.1 Get Some, Lose Some v1.0


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Level 3's actually pretty tough. The upper corner gold in the rocket room is nearly impossible to get

nice concept

that is- having four different "levels" within one map. unfortunately, my computer is not too fast (996 mhz processor, 240 mb ram); and the great number of objects within the level means i experience some pretty rough lag. this is my only issue. anyway, nice overall, it is sad my computer is too slow. maybe next time you could try bigger individual rooms or something, and in different shapes. just a thought. nice besides lag factor, overall


I'm trying to get a demo for level three. The only problem is I can only complete the first two rooms and then I keep dying in the third one. I can do every room of any level seperately but never in a complete sequence... Got to keep trying, eh?

Level 2

All-gold demo. Next is Level 3.
Demo Data

Level 1

All-gold demo. Next is Level 2.
Demo Data