Curvy 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Curvy 2'

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Author mc_george
Tags action author:mc_george playable rated
Created 2006-11-21
Last Modified 2006-11-21
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Made in 15 minutes.

Another 4, 8 and E tile from me. I think I liked the original a little better, but lets see what you guys think.

Comments appreciated. Enjoy!

Edit: Now that I look at it a little more, there's more I can do with this. Just some criticism/suggestions would help.

Other maps by this author

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Simple Challenge 03 Contiguous Simple Challenge 04 Martinet Tileset No 2 Curvy


Pages: (0)

Nice map. Sort of metanet-esque. (4.5/5)
Here, an all gold demo. Tell me what you think.
Demo Data