The Caves

Thumbnail of the map 'The Caves'

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Author geti
Tags action author:geti playable unrated
Created 2006-11-17
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A map made in.. about 30 mins
it relies on your stupidity/mistakes to kill you, at least untill the end, where some of the enemies will attack you. =] hooray.
rate please

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Kiltacular Gorge' Thumbnail of the map 'Cavein II' Thumbnail of the map 'Cracked Symbonics' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiraling Mines' Thumbnail of the map 'Not Quite Five Spikes' Thumbnail of the map 'Dukit Out'
Kiltacular Gorge Cavein II Cracked Symbonics Spiraling Mines Not Quite Five Spikes Dukit Out


Pages: (0)


Above average, pretty fun but nothing special.
Demo Data


good on you then, numa_ninja

Ooh, ooh!

Pick me! I like it!
concept, but i like the playability
anyone who likes it, good on you


Under 1000!
Demo Data


screw it. nothing new. here's my shatty demo.
Demo Data