My ded to kkstrong0

Thumbnail of the map 'My ded to kkstrong0'

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Author Bunniesandsheep
Tags author:bunniesandsheep playable race rated
Created 2006-11-17
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I tried to make this as flowy as possible, but alas the end stuffs up. this is the ded to kkstrong0 that he won off this map:

PLEASE RATE THIS MAP!!!!! thanks:)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Chasms' Thumbnail of the map 'Your path is (sort of) chosen' Thumbnail of the map 'Dodge da mines, Get da gold' Thumbnail of the map 'My ded to Flamez1212'
Chasms Your path is (sort of) chosen Dodge da mines, Get da gold My ded to Flamez1212


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Thanks you guys

i will take those things into account :)
you're gettin dang good


Bunnie, your getting by the map :) Again some hints : Try to make the enemies placed as if it took you time (not a rocket and a gause, just a rocket or a chaingun drone). Gauses usually don't work in races.

Also, try to place the gold in bursts (pairs of three or something) on a logical place, perhaps where it aids the flow. Be carefull not to use too much.

Keep going, your going great!!!

P.S. perhaps some mines (which don't interupt flow!) could make the map look more nice.


I beat you all.
Demo Data


i beat a race.....
3.5/5 cos i beat it ;)
Demo Data
most of my maps arent that good and im realitively new, ive only made 11 maps
Demo Data

pretty flowy

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