straight to the dome

Thumbnail of the map 'straight to the dome'

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Author Psycho_CO
Tags author:psycho_co playable race rated
Created 2006-11-16
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description not as much as i really wanted, but i stopped because i didnt want too much lags (it does lag a little)

fun, not hard at all, really

rate, comment, and enjoy

Other maps by this author

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gala Rocky Rizzle's cave expo then thou shall lobest thy holyhandgrenade kinigits Close-Quarters combat complex think out


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Its Clever...

But I just cant seem to get most of the flow. 3.5/5


You have a lot to learn...


got all the way to the top and got lost/killed :(

But really fun!

check out busseys for comparison, because he knows good maps.

No wait, those suck.


not good at all