Shootin' Pain

Thumbnail of the map 'Shootin' Pain'

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Author Eviljoker77
Tags author:eviljoker77 playable survival unrated
Created 2006-11-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I was in a fight to day in skool ... WON!

But broke my finger when i punched him in the face

so i had to make this survival map that is supposed to represent the pain that i am dealing with *OUCH*

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'How'd That happen' Thumbnail of the map 'After all that!' Thumbnail of the map 'N Hates Me !' Thumbnail of the map 'CliffHanger' Thumbnail of the map 'N Must taste like SH*T' Thumbnail of the map 'Friends Dont Make Fun Of Friends!'
How'd That happen After all that! N Hates Me ! CliffHanger N Must taste like SH*T Friends Dont Make Fun Of Friends!


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I like the tileset.
would have been more manly.

I have

a friend and someone slammed a door shut and half his finger got cut off. (my friend's finger)
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