Comments on "my 2 map"

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look it sideways gosh ur so dummy dum!
ur so stupid stu[pid u litle baby wah wah wah i will giv u a roundhouse kik and my sensay sais im pourfull im his #1 stoodint he told mee and i can hurt u bad u stupid dum dum stupid stuppiiiddd!!!!!!!!!!!!1


well then...technically...

:) is a colon and a paranthese missing its other half...
thats problly a sare code and u can all laff but its not funy its just rude rude rude
and...Russians speak Russian...
not a word...
and no is incorrect in the context
evn tho he swared bc i wud hurt brttrx bad and he wud cry like a litle baby hes such a criebaby wah wah go ctry to uur momy, brttrx bc i brokall ur bones wah wah wah stupid dum stupid u r making me angree bc ur all soooooo dummmmmm
its 2 leters!! this a smiley face :)
u r so dum and gibberish is i think a langwidge that thay speek in rusha and im smarter then u bc i no that and u dont bc im nt frum rusha im from the usa and its a much awsumer and more peesfull cuntry u all r so dum dum dum dum!!

Yeah Brttrx

that nine year old ninja is gonna lay you on your ass. I have no qualms about swearing in front of a nine year old. FUCK.


hilarious* mishit the d...d is too clsoe to s...


i cant take it...this is hilarioud



whats funny

is hes correcting correct spelling with incorrect spelling, while talking in his incorrect jiberish
stupid stupid dum dumm stupppiiid!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
it IS a sware word and u r afensive and this is not priseless bc priseless isnt a word and doesnt meen anything u baby
how stuppid can u bee???
1. ME LAUGHS!! spelt laff rong.. and its I LAFF
2. WALRUS!! its walris stupid u r so stupid ur problly like 3 yrs old or not evn born thats how small ur branes is


people, please realize at this point im just stringing him along, please forgive me, but this is priceless...

yea, hell is a bad word, but its not a swear word, its merely considered somewhat rude when used toward somebody or in an exclamation(like, what the hell?!?!)

and please, dont make me go through the stupid thing again

i take tiekwondo

and i got my yello belt last weak and u guys wud be dead jeez dont mess with me bc i would hut u vary bad and brake all yur bones
to fit all ur stupid in it and yes i am alot smarteer then u and God isnt in h*** so its a bad word and my dad says so and he can beet u up and so can i i wud kik ur butts
see if you can dig your own grave any deeper


no way in hell is he 9 or 8 or whatever...hes no older then 7...probly 6...its kids that age that use such insanely rediculous insults and say their head is bigger than the world...

guess what genius, if your head was bigger than the world, id be able to see it from here!!


spelt dictionary wrong, lol
wulrus, why not look that up in a dictionary while your at it, lol

well then

my head is biger then the world, u stupid stupid


i'm sorry, i forgot to capitalize Bible, sorry...


hell is not a swear word, its in the bible...if the bible is allowed to say it, and it talks about not being insulting/rude or however it phrases it, then 1. its not a swear word and 2. i can use it too

go ask your mommy what a graduating class from highschool means, or better yet, listen to me, it means EVERYBODY IN THE GRADE LEVEL, oh, and my schools auditorium does actually fit everybody in it, so we could use that as a classroom if we wanted to, lol...

dont believe me about being 17? well too f|_|cking bad, because its true...

oh, yes, and we're not "jelus" cuz you can make "amap" because we've all done it too! lmao!!!

oh, and spelled is spelled spelled(never thought id have to say that...)

brttrx, this wouldnt be the first time... :)

and one last thing, dont let him drown himself in his own stupidity, HELP HIM DROWN HIMSELF, its more fun this way...

*helpful fact* head size at birth is relative to intelligence later in life(no joke) and i had a head the size of an eight year old when i was you really want to continue calling me stupid??

it is, afterall, the easiest way to make me warned...

It's ironic,

you didn't spell 'dumb' right.
brttrx u r stupid and dum
Look it up in a dictionnary.
stupid death walris


an 8 year old sight is based on movement, stand still, he'll leave us alone......

P.S Everything you said was wrong. And as I said before, "I'm simply going to watch you drown in your own stupidity as you try to bring me down."
u cant have 400 peple inside ur class bc they couldnt fit in a classroom and ur such a faker all u do iis blah blah blah and u dont know wut ur saying and 400 peepel is SO many my class is 30 peepel