To Jeremy: A Tribute

Thumbnail of the map 'To Jeremy: A Tribute'

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Author larrybot3000
Tags author:larrybot3000 n-art rated
Created 2006-11-06
Last Modified 2006-11-06
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description To Jeremy, you will never be forgotten.

To those who had a great loss today, share your feelings.

And a special message to Bussey_rules, don't snipe people in pain, you ass!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Axis of Evil' Thumbnail of the map 'Interesting, Yet Deadly...' Thumbnail of the map 'Bussey Banned' Thumbnail of the map 'Bussey Banned, playable' Thumbnail of the map 'N trampoline' Thumbnail of the map 'N_Master2_0!!!!'
Axis of Evil Interesting, Yet Deadly... Bussey Banned Bussey Banned, playable N trampoline N_Master2_0!!!!


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suspects you from sniping other people's maps frequently. I'd accuse a convict of murder instead of a judge.

then i'm sorry

my bad, bussey


just because you had a loss in your life doesn't mean you have to lash out at someone cause you don't know what else to do.. i still haven't even rated this map


until proven guilty

sorry for the loss IAABH

why the hell

am i getting blamed for the snipe?? i didn't even rate this map

he still snipes me

damn you Bussey!

I feel for you

sorry for your loss


but yes, he was. he really was.
thank you very much