Hunted until dead

Thumbnail of the map 'Hunted until dead'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author elitheeli
Tags author:elitheeli playable puzzle rated v1.3c
Created 2005-03-24
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Is this possible? You need a REALLLYY good plan.

Other maps by this author

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N be Nimble Climberlicious N be Nimble2 N be Nimble3 N be Nimble4 nacrobat


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Some people post in their map descriptions the time it has taken them to make the map. I see it in hours, and thats pretty astounding. Personally, I throw my maps together in under an hour :D


can you rate my map triple trouble, its about 2 get booted off and i wnat to know its rating. please rate fairly. btw I rated this map.

hey suggestion

try to limit how many maps you make a day. spend a ton of time on a map, trust me, youll see the difference. If you notice tktktk is highly rated, and he barely ever posts. Thats because he is making a map, and it takes him days to make it. everything in his flows, it could be in the game. Also, if you post too many maps, your first ones will get bumped off, along with the people below you, and that isnt fair cuz they wont get rated and you wont either. so basically my suggestion is just get an idea, and stick with it. make it flow throughout the whole thing.