
Thumbnail of the map 'armoury'

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Author waxseman
Tags action author:waxseman playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-03-24
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description they are guns!!!
AK 47 and RPG

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Round-a-bout' Thumbnail of the map 'joe dolan is gay' Thumbnail of the map 'Round ' Thumbnail of the map 'tit-ta-lating' Thumbnail of the map 'GO FOR THE GOLD' Thumbnail of the map 'MINESWEEPER'
Round-a-bout joe dolan is gay Round tit-ta-lating GO FOR THE GOLD MINESWEEPER


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when ur baby do

shoot yourself go to a hor house get laid and shoot yourself

suck me wenis

hmm maybe you should try not sucking


you probably only need one turret in those places. It will help with the load time and its more practical. the jump pads at the bottom look increadibly like those in that one map posted earlier. I am surprised though waxse. this map is actually decent. You see what happens when you spend time on a map instead of posting some shitty map that vaguely looks like a pair of tits.




the guns are sort of cool, but not great. I think that the drones shouldn't be moving in a square. Definitely too easy to avoid. I love the part at the bottom left with the jump pads. Quite inspired, although there weretoo many jumppads. There should have been a little space between each one, just so it didn't look so cluttered. About the parts where you had to jump in and snatch the switch right before the gausses got you. It's a good idea, but there were overall too many turrets.