Outlander's Delusions

Thumbnail of the map 'Outlander's Delusions'

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Author GamingWolf2000
Tags action author:gamingwolf2000 playable rated
Created 2006-10-28
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Your ninja has been through many alterations of his world through dimensions you create. What distinguishes mine then you ask? I have no idea. For no reason whatsoever I ask your ninja to traverse my newest wasteland regardless of your skill in guiding your ninja or creating those worlds.

\"To boldly go where no ninja has gone before\"

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pardon My French' Thumbnail of the map 'Bridgection' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Ended at Eleven of the Clock' Thumbnail of the map 'Quickaly' Thumbnail of the map 'W. O. L. F.' Thumbnail of the map 'Mechantasms'
Pardon My French Bridgection Mine Ended at Eleven of the Clock Quickaly W. O. L. F. Mechantasms


Pages: (0)

Cool map.

Each section had a neat thing to it. Great job!


Very Fuhn. I like the fuhness of this level. It is so fuhn I spelled it wrong in my excitement and enthuseiasm (spelled that wrong to).

Boy I wish numa had a spell check.


A Map from the great GamingWolf!

P.S. I've never played any of your maps.