In A Bind

Thumbnail of the map 'In A Bind'

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Author BuddyLee
Tags author:buddylee maze pattern playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-10-26
Last Modified 2007-06-24
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Weekly map submission. Very tough puzzle/maze. Code randomized to hide the one correct path. Look for the pattern.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Eccentric' Thumbnail of the map 'The Esteemed' Thumbnail of the map 'It Was Inintentional, I Promise' Thumbnail of the map 'Set Ablaze' Thumbnail of the map 'Drizzle' Thumbnail of the map 'Tear It Apart'
The Eccentric The Esteemed It Was Inintentional, I Promise Set Ablaze Drizzle Tear It Apart


Pages: (0)


quite tricky ^^ 4/5


Demo Data

AGD is impossible, since gold pieces are in enclosed spaces. Gold is merely to show the correct path. If you didn't get to the door, exit switch, and exit door, you didn't do it right. I might post a spoiler later.

AGD isn't possible

mind posting one if it is?
I got to the end
but didnt see the locked door panel
Demo Data

*uses mine trick*

*still doesn't get it*


But very interesting! Good job.