why wont he die

Thumbnail of the map 'why wont he die'

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Author bartey
Tags author:bartey dda rated v1.3c
Created 2005-03-18
Last Modified 2005-03-18
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description well i thought i should make a dda and i did these are fun but are hard well here you go.


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ABOUT swatstika

people who dont understand swatstika talk between a couple of people who left comments i had a swatstika on my map and loudog 004 had well i think he is jewish or i dont give a fuck but i want to keep my map up so i got rid of it.


turn off caps lock. Click the mouse to advance 1 frame. Oh, and if you are holding a key while you click the mouse, then it reacts as if ... you were holding the key.

frame by frame?

how do you get to frame by frame mode?

not bad

made me blink a few times (= good)

pretty good

good DDA, but i agree that there is a lot of excess crap just thrown in there. There are a lot of things so if you take out some of the ones that you don't use and make it longer it would be better. Good job though. better than mine.


like the swatztika is just the sign of budda, backwurds. odd kinda dda really, i dont like so many bounce pads so a 3


LOUDOG im sorry if you are jewish or somethin it is a joke with my friends so grow up it really means brother hood then the natzis used it so go figure

. . .

You know that hooked cross generally has a bad connotation . . . and the map wasn't good.