Run away

Thumbnail of the map 'Run away'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author formica
Tags author:formica playable rated survival v1.3c
Created 2005-03-06
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Scoring: Frames X gold (divided by 100)

Lol- if this is too easy (but I think it's a pretty good difficulty) I guess I can make it a bit harder.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Need for speed- Underground' Thumbnail of the map 'NP3 Player' Thumbnail of the map 'Slides' Thumbnail of the map 'Alien Invasion' Thumbnail of the map 'Bugs, bugs, and bugs- The Collectors Edition' Thumbnail of the map 'Bontago blocks'
Need for speed- Underground NP3 Player Slides Alien Invasion Bugs, bugs, and bugs- The Collectors Edition Bontago blocks


Pages: (0)


{974x7}/100=68.18 w00t! oh yea baby!
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(677*5)/100= 33.85 points!
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I'm winning

(637 x 4) / 100 = 25.48 pts.

Very tough map. I'll keep trying.
Demo Data
At least I got some gold this time. So my score would be 11.86?
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Great level, though it is very, very hard to survive for a long time...
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First try

right hurr
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