Do You Yahoo?

Thumbnail of the map 'Do You Yahoo?'

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Author sharc
Tags author:sharc playable race unrated
Created 2006-09-26
Last Modified 2006-09-26
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description first RACE!!

I am unsure in what category to put this in. It is Trilogy III style (By Formica); Lots of work has gone into this. pretty addictive.

TOP 3 SPEED AGDS recieve a ded!
Yeah, thats right!

Please inform me if this is the wrong category..
EDIT: confirmed as race by paulgummerson

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Eye of the World' Thumbnail of the map 'Winter's Heart' Thumbnail of the map 'Distorted Overview' Thumbnail of the map 'The Shadow Rising' Thumbnail of the map 'S'ymmerica' Thumbnail of the map 'Parsenic'
The Eye of the World Winter's Heart Distorted Overview The Shadow Rising S'ymmerica Parsenic


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Some advice.

If you're going to multi account, then don't get caught. And try not to insult peoples intelligence if you do get caught red handed, please.


since you changed the map, my old one does not work, so heres a new on!!!
Demo Data


I made it past the thwump once without waiting for it to come and following it back, but with the gold delay you still had to go back for the door.

Nice map
Demo Data

Agrees w/ Xdude_

about mechtradevil


the bottom part could have been integrated better
and the top was too awkward for the rate your supposed to do it...and if its just me the top right could still be more of fun
this is my real one. Still, incomplete.
Demo Data


Didn't know you multi accounted Mech.

Your new map is out there? Wouldn't Sam say his first map was out there.... He also has 114 rates and one map.

Not looking good dude.


...Kendogg... your demo didn't work for me.
Demo Data

doh shitsz

my brother is actually samuraichop, sorry about that, he was hogging the comp so I kicked him off and forgot to log out. :P in o/w that demo is mine.


I just tried it again and I definitely got better. :D
hey, also, if you want to check out my new map, it is out there. and awesome. :D
Demo Data
But I guess it's just not my type of level, so I won't rate down at all... solid 4.5/5 for anyone who can actually do it... :P
anyway, nice job.


1 thing, i think it is more of an action map cause you have to stop a bit, at least in my AGD below

near completion.

but I hope this gets you started. =]

Great map

I saw your ded for one of the other maps i all golded, thanx for the ded.

This is a fun map, and perhaps with this AGD, ill get another ded. Keep it up!
Demo Data
..better one coming up
Demo Data


I like it, but I don't get it... I'd like a demo. rating withheld until now.