
Thumbnail of the map 'Escort'

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Author Saiden
Tags action author:saiden playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-03-05
Last Modified 2005-03-05
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description This is a new idea in a map: keeping between two escorts in a tricky dungeon. This level can be surprisingly tough, controlling your speed isn't that easy. Still, if it becomes too easy for this stage, no need to worry; Just after the start in the '>' on the right wall, there is a BUTTON THAT IGNITES HARD MODE. Touching it makes this level incredebly hard. I would definately be honored to see a DEMO beating hard-mode.
BTW: the corridoor in the lower-left corner isn't bugging. Just figure out how to pass it.

Other maps by this author

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Difficulty balancer High gravity Enigmatic Cubic Logic Spherical oblivion


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Oh man!

What a new idea!!! Except, it's old...


I knew there was a bug somewhere like that in this map, but i will fix it. The level isn't made to be beaten, it is mayde to be played. Otherwise just modifying the map or pressing enter will give you the victory. But thanks for the advise, it came sooner i expected.
The problem in the demo is one that can be easily changed by switching a few tiles.
Demo Data