A Short Trip to the Tanning Salon, Softly Traipsing, Trotsky-Safe

Thumbnail of the map 'A Short Trip to the Tanning Salon, Softly Traipsing, Trotsky-Safe'

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Author KinGAleX
Tags action author:kingalex bitesized dedication hard playable rated
Created 2006-09-24
Last Modified 2007-06-23
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description For capitalism.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Billy Needed a Better Prescription For His Glasses' Thumbnail of the map 'I Fought the Robots With Yoshimi, Some Hypnotising Hellish Magicians. Now it's Summertime, You Realize? To Reach Utopia.' Thumbnail of the map 'Racing T'wards the Finish Line, Hook, and Sinker' Thumbnail of the map 'Sparse, and Yet Populous; Such is the Desert' Thumbnail of the map 'The Consummation of Aladdin' Thumbnail of the map 'Odd'
Billy Needed a Better Prescription For His Glasses I Fought the Robots With Yoshimi, Some Hypnotising Hellish Magicians. Now it's Summertime, You Realize? To Reach Utopia. Racing T'wards the Finish Line, Hook, and Sinker Sparse, and Yet Populous; Such is the Desert The Consummation of Aladdin Odd


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first switch to the left was hard, pushing somewhat awkward, and all the floorguard parts were too hard except one.

I rather liked the far left outside area with dual gausses thoguh


i obviously did read the book


My favourite things: money and alliteration.