Cyclopean Tower Scene

Thumbnail of the map 'Cyclopean Tower Scene'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Tempus_Fugit
Tags author:tempus_fugit rated test
Created 2006-09-23
Last Modified 2006-09-23
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Just a rather random thing I put together. Kinda fun to play around with, and I think its a really coll tileset.

I won't be submitting many maps soon, because I'm working on a level pack.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Iolakana' Thumbnail of the map 'Air-Borne' Thumbnail of the map 'Cobble' Thumbnail of the map 'Skyhouse' Thumbnail of the map 'Portal' Thumbnail of the map 'Underworld- Part XXIII- Boulder Jumble'
Iolakana Air-Borne Cobble Skyhouse Portal Underworld- Part XXIII- Boulder Jumble


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With the map, the drones surprised me, although they wouldn't be too much of use. I like the positioning of the bounceblocks. Mind if I use the map and test it out? I might even make a map out of it.


thanks, guys.

Yeah PM me too

Same name as here
pm me on the forums- my forum name is: a-caridi

MEH and

double meh