a door erie

Thumbnail of the map 'a door erie '

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Author robbyb
Tags author:robbyb playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-09-22
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description yes i kno there are a lot of these but you have to admit that is pretty good :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'just another level made by me' Thumbnail of the map 'Metal detecter 3: upgraded security' Thumbnail of the map 'PICNIC ANT' Thumbnail of the map 'music' Thumbnail of the map 'a sheet of music shit' Thumbnail of the map 'a simple puzzle'
just another level made by me Metal detecter 3: upgraded security PICNIC ANT music a sheet of music shit a simple puzzle


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i also expected the second mine to get covered up. ah well 4/5


one problem, i did most of it, hit the second mine (BOOOOOM) and then thought, helll i aint doin all that again..... ikinda puts ppl off


I was expecting the second mine to get covered up.... Boom!

I like the mix of enemies you have in the doors, makes it less boring.