Shatter The Panarama

Thumbnail of the map 'Shatter The Panarama'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author cowgomoo
Tags action author:cowgomoo playable rated
Created 2006-09-21
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description *** jump only level***

second in my jump only series, dedicated to remote for showing me N, of all completions left i'll dedicate next map in series to fastest. took me a long time to make, so rate etc.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Raining bacon' Thumbnail of the map 'Spin' Thumbnail of the map 'A hot day in Calcutta' Thumbnail of the map 'Base Jumping' Thumbnail of the map 'How long is a Piece of string?' Thumbnail of the map 'Disfigured'
Raining bacon Spin A hot day in Calcutta Base Jumping How long is a Piece of string? Disfigured


Pages: (0)


Demo Data


comp demo
Demo Data
again cheating, but i already completed it, so oh well.
Demo Data


Yeah, its a simple map if you use the arrow keys... try just using the jump key.


i owned this level for lunch
Demo Data

Speed =)

Demo Data

-4 Pieces =)


Hard Hard Hard

ran out of time :)

beat it, no demo

pretty good, long though


you welcome :D

plays well

and looks great. wot more could you want. 5/5

p.s. thanks for the ded