Inspiration Challenge

Thumbnail of the map 'Inspiration Challenge'

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Author x-Spider2
Tags author:x-spider2 test unrated
Created 2006-09-18
Last Modified 2006-10-01
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description An edited version of this map:


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Teleporting out of Danger' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Walls I' Thumbnail of the map 'Look, Up in the Sky: it's a ninja! (' Thumbnail of the map '"Sweet Death O' Mine" by Gausses 'n' Tampered Launchpads' Thumbnail of the map 'THE CHAINGUNS SPLO YOU UP' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Trap'
Teleporting out of Danger Thwump Walls I Look, Up in the Sky: it's a ninja! ( "Sweet Death O' Mine" by Gausses 'n' Tampered Launchpads THE CHAINGUNS SPLO YOU UP Drone Trap


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I beat it... but I kinda cheated... I pt a bounceblock where N starts... other than that... stop plagurising other peoples stuff and making them impossible to win....


It's not just you. I have a rhym for this kind of situation: "He's stuck! WTF!"

Is it just me

Or can N not get out of that first spot?