
Thumbnail of the map 'Scatered'

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Author Muffinthief
Tags author:muffinthief playable race unrated
Created 2006-09-18
Last Modified 2006-09-18
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This isn't your stadard race, as it got bigger the path was less and less clear, so I put in all the doors to prevent cheating and show the way.See demo if you can't get the flow. Please rate, comment, post demos and of course enjoy.

Note: I resubmited this because nobody rated it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Coral Reef' Thumbnail of the map 'Mirror Image' Thumbnail of the map 'Dream Catcher' Thumbnail of the map 'Dream Weaver 1.0' Thumbnail of the map 'Dream Weaver: In Motion' Thumbnail of the map 'Stalked'
Coral Reef Mirror Image Dream Catcher Dream Weaver 1.0 Dream Weaver: In Motion Stalked


Pages: (0)

I don't think it works very well; it feels like you're fighting the layout rather than moving with it. I often found myself looking at a smooth run in one direction when I needed to go the opposite way. Add this to the small margin for error, and it's just frustrating as a race. It might almost work as action.


feels more like a linear action level than anything.

Incomplete Demo

You get the idea.
Demo Data