and justice for all

Thumbnail of the map 'and justice for all'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author VV33
Tags action author:vv33 playable rated
Created 2006-09-15
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description an fun, semi chalenging linear map :P good luck

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Money for Nothing' Thumbnail of the map 'dimond hard' Thumbnail of the map 'jack' Thumbnail of the map 'Avant Gard' Thumbnail of the map 'underworld XX: the hell bands' Thumbnail of the map 'light and fluffy'
Money for Nothing dimond hard jack Avant Gard underworld XX: the hell bands light and fluffy


Pages: (0)

the map is just right, worth 4.5 or even 5.


i died on the hardest jump in the map
Demo Data

Semi Challenging?

Man well I would love to see a completion demo to this 'semi challenging' map because I would never be able to do it!!!

4\5 The start remonds me of MTI?!?
Demo Data