Its a working Progress

Thumbnail of the map 'Its a working Progress'

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Author Klove_brttrx
Tags author:klove_brttrx incomplete unrated
Created 2006-09-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I got brain dead for a min, and thought since i dont want to steal maps anymore, let me make a ded to all the people i stole from and the people who influenced me, the only problem is i cant figure out what to do now.

Please tell me what i need to add,to make the flow better.

just comments, dont rate

I repeat DO NOT RATE! sorry for all caps


Pages: (0)

i hate cannabols

but if it's klove you're eating... YES!!!


brttrx, i love your race maps, thats y u r an insperation to me


(doesnt know what to say)

How am I an

you an insperation, so i used it in my name, and i will fix up the map

Im gonna call him

Mr. Original Thought Boy


I don't really like the normal door propulsion


I guess he has to steal something. About the map: Make it longer (of course) and add more danger. the flow for now is fine but its pretty boring to play.

i get it...

he doesnt steal maps, he steals names
Thats weird.