Survival of the simplest

Thumbnail of the map 'Survival of the simplest'

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Author bighugellama
Tags author:bighugellama playable rated survival
Created 2006-09-05
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Simple survival. Post your demos please.
This tileset has probably been used like this before.

Other maps by this author

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Rainfall Totem Of Challenges


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its ok.

but you need to make them use the floor more, otherwise theres not much sense in the floor guards, but, yeah, its ok. 3.5


What's the sense in frames count, when you repeat the same route over and over again? :)
I made it even longer and, very probably, more boring. Except for changing from counter-clockwise to clockwise :).
Demo Data
Not that my demo is that impressive, it's just this survival is hella easy
Demo Data


There exists route, that lets you keep it on forever. And it's easy to figure it out. I'd get rid of those two launchpads I notoriously used - that'd make the map a bit better. No rating until then.
Demo Data


i forgot to delete demo before mine before i sent it, (the demo doesnt work)




(stupid cowgomoo, the lucky b*****) lol
Demo Data


good dodges
Demo Data