
Thumbnail of the map 'Giraffe'

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Author ninja_guy2
Tags author:ninja_guy2 autogenerated n-art rated
Created 2006-08-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description My favorite animal...

No I'm Not using NAM, I don't know what's going on

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My Sax' Thumbnail of the map 'What is This?' Thumbnail of the map 'Eagle' Thumbnail of the map 'NintendogsĀ™' Thumbnail of the map 'Nintendo DS' Thumbnail of the map 'Darth Vader'
My Sax What is This? Eagle NintendogsĀ™ Nintendo DS Darth Vader


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yeah lol

U used NAM
(like Viet NAM)?


if you load it then press P it will cut the giraffe in half!!!



Jakel beat me to it.

Not using NAM eh?

Watch it load, nobody draws N art like that, it loads from left to right, exactly like NAM does.

It loads like NAM.

So it must be NAM.

Not using NAM??

But submitting so many of these type of Narts so quickly... I'd doubt you're telling the truth.
So I don't beleive you, the objects are spaced just right so that it's just like NAM