He grimaced as the quaffation menaced down his neck-faucet.

Thumbnail of the map 'He grimaced as the quaffation menaced down his neck-faucet.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author blue_tetris
Tags action author:blue_tetris playable rated
Created 2006-08-30
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Beta one.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Malljob' Thumbnail of the map 'Where Everybody Knows Your Name' Thumbnail of the map 'The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegroove' Thumbnail of the map 'I refuse to dress up for my dressing down.' Thumbnail of the map 'Damn near dawn, still dizzy from before.' Thumbnail of the map 'She spoke of marriage; it never seemed unreasonable.'
Malljob Where Everybody Knows Your Name The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegroove I refuse to dress up for my dressing down. Damn near dawn, still dizzy from before. She spoke of marriage; it never seemed unreasonable.


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So close.
Very interesting level.

Btw - what is up with the whole beta alpha thing?
Demo Data


wow... weird level... but fun... I've tried a couple times, but I fail at life anyway =P
very unique = 2
fun gameplay= 1.5
sicknasty map name= .5
each room is a nice challenge= .5

I like this... and I also like all of your maps, but, hey, who doesn't? =P