Police Station

Thumbnail of the map 'Police Station'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Triple_T
Tags author:triple_t cheatable playable puzzle rated v1.3c
Created 2005-02-19
Last Modified 2007-06-21
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Run into a police station and steal the helicopter. How simple!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tower World' Thumbnail of the map 'Eat It' Thumbnail of the map 'Smoke In Ninja's Face' Thumbnail of the map 'Rubber World' Thumbnail of the map 'Pyramid' Thumbnail of the map 'Flower'
Tower World Eat It Smoke In Ninja's Face Rubber World Pyramid Flower


Pages: (0)


ahehm you're right, of course, I think I make maps mostly for noobs like I am so I don't (and probably can't) check them for such glitches.

Great design...

But as LouDog's demo points out, you can bypass the need to get all the switches by running past the rockets before they fire. Sort that out and this would be excellent.


Sorry if I caused some troubles but I've got a dial-up connection and it was right yesterday that I had enough time to post all of them. If I wanted to spread them, it'd last more than a week to resubmit all and in a week I'm going on a holiday so...


He's reposting because of a bug that meant none of the maps under his original account had the votes counted for them.


A lot of this level seems a little extraneous.
Demo Data


Same questions here...


why are you reposting all these maps?

And why are you doing them all in one go instead of spreading them out so not to knock other map makers first time work off the page too quickly?


Originally at