Ant Farm

Thumbnail of the map 'Ant Farm'

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Author led_zeppelin1
Tags author:led_zeppelin1 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-08-27
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description none

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Scrambled!' Thumbnail of the map 'Kashmir' Thumbnail of the map 'Vertigo' Thumbnail of the map 'Outside the In' Thumbnail of the map 'A Tribute to Waffles' Thumbnail of the map 'The Red Sea 2.0'
Scrambled! Kashmir Vertigo Outside the In A Tribute to Waffles The Red Sea 2.0


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What he said.


your an elder noob...
ok, now that i am done insulting you, lets get down to business.

1) Very good hub idea.
2) I like clear levels and respect the time it takes to do them (important: NOT EVERYONE THINKS THIS WAY)

and now for the bad...

1) don't cluster usless mines like that. space them evenly and water tight, it leads to quicker load times.
2) not everyone is ok with alot of people making tunnel levels, expect not nice comments
3) dont do broken tile pieces (bottom right corner).
4) clear walls have glitches and people WILL take advantage of this.

I hope this helps on future maps, for futher help lookup jeffkillian and his tutorial on mapmaking.
Have a nice day.
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