Aerology Part II

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Author uNcoNditioNal
Tags author:unconditional playable race rated
Created 2006-08-24
Last Modified 2006-08-24
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description A follow up to my map Aerology:
A slightly more open tileset, and, as suggested by epigone, a few more rockets.
Play, rate and tell me what you think of both of them.
Started off with Indian Summer's Race tileset 1 :

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Aerology Part I'
Aerology Part I


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but changed it quite radically so didnt think i needed to credit you, but i will if you think i should?
Reminds me of my Race Tileset :

Another thought,

Aerology Part III is up:


thats the same way I went! lol, nice :)


I liked the first aerology map better, it seemed to have more flow. This is still good, the jump pad thing seems to have already been brought up, so I won't dwell on that. Also, it didn't seem to be a problem on this map, but in future maps be careful not to use too many rockets. Three right next to eachother is unecessary. But it worked allright on this map.

Thanks Psycho...

I won't resubmit this but ill bear your suggestions in mind for Aerology Part III.
I just couldnt think of a way to get that transition.Any ideas? And just to clarify here is the "right" way.
Demo Data


this map is really good but the jumpads and some lack of flow screwed it up

you dont have to use this(i dont really want you to,but it your choice)i just hope im helping you becoming an even better race map maker


never use that many jumpads


other than that i really loved the flow in some spots

other spots were a little weird


I have no idea if I went the right way.

Nice race, it was fun :) 5/5
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