Ded to the Unknown mapper

Thumbnail of the map 'Ded to the Unknown mapper'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Cossack
Tags author:cossack n-art rated
Created 2006-08-17
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description This map is a Ded to anyone who has made a really good map or more but hasnt had them recognised for what they are or rated for a public rating. (this was also used to see if i can do fire in N - please tell me if it worked out any good)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This way' Thumbnail of the map 'Crooked' Thumbnail of the map 'Time waster' Thumbnail of the map 'Concept Dragon' Thumbnail of the map 'Twists in the Ground' Thumbnail of the map 'One more cant hurt... can it?'
This way Crooked Time waster Concept Dragon Twists in the Ground One more cant hurt... can it?


Pages: (0)




Whats ded?

So... That means...

This map is dedicated to me? for my exceptional last level of my CV series?



Sweet fire

make a phoenix.

The Decent Minejumper. Its one of my maps.


the effect is smart but best from further away. i dont usually like N-art


is cool that's how our society runs
the fire is really great, very cool

(P.S. Thanks:)


Someone made me a ded.

@Brttrx: yeah, it si cocky, but I'm being cocky too.

I really could use one or two more ratings on almost all of my maps

Thanks =]

Yeah, it's 100% true, there are so many good mappers and nobody notices them... 4/5

its to everyone



a little cockyness isnt too bad as long as it has its humor - and this one does. thnx bout the fire btw

Thanks for the ded.

Thats kinda cocky, isnt it?

I think

the fire looks great.

BTW, thanks for the ded.