Shine 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Shine 2'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author jtbandes
Tags author:jtbandes rated test
Created 2006-08-16
Last Modified 2006-08-16
by 29 people.
Map Data

Description A sequel to maestro's Shine ( ). This one's a bit trickier than the original, but built on the same concept and still possible.

And remember: Don't rate if you don't get it, thanks.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Above and Below' Thumbnail of the map 'jt's Simple Challenge #1' Thumbnail of the map 'jt's Simple Challenge #2' Thumbnail of the map 'What's Mine is Yours' Thumbnail of the map 'jt's Simple Challenge #3' Thumbnail of the map 'jt's Simple Challenge #4'
Above and Below jt's Simple Challenge #1 jt's Simple Challenge #2 What's Mine is Yours jt's Simple Challenge #3 jt's Simple Challenge #4


Pages: (0)


you should have called it "shine on".

or is this something like this:

It's not as good.
The first one was a 5, this one's only half. 2.5/5.

No it isn't the half (or do you have also a half ninja?)
This is a fourth (so you ´should rate it 3,75/5)

It's not as good.

The first one was a 5, this one's only half. 2.5/5.

It's ok

but it's only half of what the original was.

Sorry, that was terrible.
Demo Data


WTF is this... so what it's just a block... somebody please explain...

Oh, bravo!

Of course, it's not an incredibly original concept, but you make up for that with the ingenious twist.
Demo Data


there's no mines or zap drones...huh?


First of all, ceasing an action such as typing is not a learned ability, but merely a result of the suppression of said action. Second of all, pig uterus is not a food to which I have easy access, and since I don't like wild goose chases, I would prefer to sit at home as opposed to initiating a long, yet ultimately pointless search for pig uterus. Thank you, and have a nice day.


Learn to stop typing. And then go eat pig uterus.
I thought some of the mines were too hard to get without getting shot down by the zap drones. Other than that, I thought it was a pretty well made map. 4.5/5

Nice attempt

to try to get a good rating.
Demo Data

Uh oh.

Somebody added punctuation to their url. There ya go, little buddy.

Uh oh.

Somebody's stepping into unoriginal territory. XD

Uh oh.

Somebody's stepping into unoriginal territory. XD