Untold Secrets

Thumbnail of the map 'Untold Secrets'

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Author 3-Qaurters
Tags author:3-qaurters playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-08-15
Last Modified 2006-08-15
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Try to do it in the fastest time. Thats the puzzle
Theres more than one way to get a piece of gold.Chose your route. heres my tileset

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Penguin' Thumbnail of the map 'Up and Under' Thumbnail of the map 'CorkScrew' Thumbnail of the map 'Liven it up' Thumbnail of the map 'T.H.W.U.M.M.P.' Thumbnail of the map 'Untold Fortunes'
Penguin Up and Under CorkScrew Liven it up T.H.W.U.M.M.P. Untold Fortunes


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i dint post a demo because it was so slow i was embarresed


but its alot harder when im rushing
Demo Data
Demo Data