Don't forget the gold.

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't forget the gold.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Echarin
Tags action author:echarin playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-02-07
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description It's weird how some maps come to be. They might start out with you having no specific idea what to create, just randomly doodling some tiles around, which you then sculpt further and further until it's done and looks nothing like what you started with. Or maybe that's just so with my maps.
Hope you enjoy it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ugly' Thumbnail of the map 'Symmetry of sorts' Thumbnail of the map '4 Rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'Killspot' Thumbnail of the map 'Any day now' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold hunt'
Ugly Symmetry of sorts 4 Rooms Killspot Any day now Gold hunt


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below 900 frames :P

can still be improved tho...
Demo Data


Wow... that's a lot more reaction to my map than I thought it would get. I'll make sure to check out some of those demos.


But supremely fun- 4/5 ninjas.

Great fun

Here's my fastest so far...
Demo Data


2 frames.
Demo Data
trib4l goes below 1000 frame :)
Demo Data


Excellent map, 4 ninjas.
Demo Data


Here's a shorter demo...
Demo Data


even though it looks like a big turd, the level itself is actually fun. I don't think you really thought this part out, though. The frame length of the demo is high, but that's cuz I respawned and kept going.:
Demo Data

Pretty good

I enjoyed it more than I thought I would... 4/5
Demo Data