Rocket Arena

Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Arena'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author IndianSummer
Tags action author:indiansummer playable rated
Created 2006-08-02
Last Modified 2006-08-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A fast \"Get-All-Switches\" map..:
-3 Rockets
-1 Gaus Turrets
-4 Switches

AND fastest completion demo in 24 hours will get my first ded *lol*

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Spider Claw' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Room' Thumbnail of the map 'G-Race' Thumbnail of the map 'The 5 Towers of  Getting Thwumped !' Thumbnail of the map 'Ded. to myself...' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Tileset 4'
Spider Claw Rocket Room G-Race The 5 Towers of Getting Thwumped ! Ded. to myself... Simple Tileset 4


Pages: (0) it is...

Here is...

...the Link to your dedication, swanky23 !
And by the way, you're a lucky boy, your the only one who posted a demo O.o ! ..seems like nobody notices my maps *lol*


Simple Levels are best XD

ok thanks

i really like this level because its fun and simple and thats why i kept on posting faster demos


...I know your fast swanky, so I already edited a Dedication for you, but i'll wait until deadline maybe someone can still beat you ! ;-)

way way

Demo Data


But my maps aren't always the best *lol* i'm just an average mapper ... ;-) !


...around 15 o'clock


when is the deadline for the ded?

much faster

Demo Data


It was more difficult b4, just before i deleted 8 switches ...
but I think it's quite fun !


Demo Data

not so bad now



I meant i deleted some ...


I removed some of the doors, not 10, not 11, but 8 out of 12...I hope it's better now...
Too much of one thing is not good.

Nah whatever..

...i'll change the thingy with gauss turrets...but i don't know how to delete the doors without destroying the gameplay of my map !?!


...thats kind of the point of my map...

Yeah, but...

...what does he mean with 'and you really dont need all the doors...?
is what he means, and their pointless and cause lag there.


Spaming enemys ? 7 enemys (3 rocket, 4 gauss) aren't spam or ?
And it's the point of the map that you have to jump around and trick the rockets...

this map

is just ridiculous. For better maps, dont spam enemies, and you really dont need all the doors.